Maximizing Conversion Rate Optimization: Website Tips for Lead Generation
Web Design

Jul 06, 202312 min read

Maximizing Conversion Rate Optimization: Website Tips for Lead Generation

Luke Lewis
Luke Lewis

Is your website just a pretty face?  

Having just another ‘visually stunning’ website is not enough to stand out. In order for your business to grow, your website needs to convert visitors into customers, generate B2B leads, or encourage sign-ups for free trials. But how? 

Conversion rate optimization is the answer.

At its core, the goal of any website is to make the visitor do something. To achieve this, you must optimize your Webflow website for conversion with the help of conversion rate optimization. Read on to find out how.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is about making your website more effective in turning visitors into customers. It involves improving different parts of your site, like landing pages and ads, to encourage more people to take action, such as signing up for a trial or making a purchase.

To do this, you look at how users behave on your site, what they do, and what might be stopping them from converting. You can then test changes to see what works best.

Determining your conversion rate is straightforward. You divide the total number of conversions on your site during a specific time frame by the total number of visitors during that period and then multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage.

Here’s the formula:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Number of Visitors) * 100

Say one of your product pages recorded 40 sales but hosted 500 visitors last week. According to the formula, your weekly conversion rate would be 40 divided by 500, multiplied by 100, which equals 8%.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimization Important?

Think of conversion rate optimization as a strategy that helps turn window shoppers into loyal customers.

It is a great way to boost your business without breaking the bank. Here’s how:

Reduce customer acquisition costs

By optimizing your conversion rate, you extract more value from your existing pool of visitors, reducing your customer acquisition or B2B lead generation costs. This means increased revenue per visitor and overall business growth.

Maximize return on ad spend (ROAS)

CRO helps you convert a higher percentage of your website traffic into paying customers, balancing the costs of paid advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. This maximizes your ROAS and ensures you get the most out of your ad budget.

Tailor offerings to customer preferences

Insights gained through CRO allow you to group customers based on similar needs and preferences. This ensures they find products or services that perfectly fit their needs, leading to higher satisfaction and repeat business.

Boost sales dramatically

It doesn’t matter if you have 5 million monthly visitors, if your conversion rate is 0.04%, you’re making absolutely no revenue. 

Right now, let's say your store converts at an average e-commerce rate of 4%. But listen to this: by just nudging that number up to 8%, you'd be doubling your sales. That's the power of conversion optimization–small changes, big results.

Focus on sustainable growth

Keep in mind that while traffic acquisition is a must for any business, especially in its early stages, a focus on conversion rate optimization becomes even more important as you establish your traffic channels.

Of course, for businesses with very low initial traffic volumes, even a stellar conversion rate won’t necessarily mean substantial sales. However, once you've built a solid foundation of traffic flow, CRO becomes a switch for boosting revenue without incurring the additional expense of aggressive traffic acquisition tactics.

Website Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

With these strategies, you’ll see a significant improvement in your website conversion rate:

  1. Implement a clear Call to Action

Your website's CTA is the button or form that turns curious visitors into engaged leads or happy customers. But a clunky CTA is like a weak handshake – awkward and off-putting.

Don't beat around the bush with a complicated CTA process. Tell them exactly what they get by clicking that button. 

Also, avoid hyper-generic CTAs like "Buy Now" – they scream spam and scare visitors away.

For longer landing pages, consider using two CTAs. One on your hero section and the other one the header.  

Remember, placement matters. A random CTA in the middle of nowhere confuses visitors and sends them packing.

Hulu utilizes a dramatic, effective CTA with a dimmed background that subtly brings attention to its content library. The green and black text emphasizes the sign-up offer, which includes discounted bundles with both Disney+ and ESPN+.

Hulu CTA
  1. Prioritize user experience

UX is the secret weapon behind high-converting websites. A well-designed site with a smooth UX seamlessly guides visitors toward your conversion button.

From intuitive navigation to super-fast loading speeds, you can refine every element of your website to keep visitors engaged and happy.

Here's how:

  • Clear navigation: Build clear and intuitive navigation that anticipates visitor needs and keeps them on track towards your conversion goals.
  • Fast loading speeds: Build a website that loads faster than sound travels. Fast loading time means more time exploring your offerings and lesser reasons to move to competitors.
  • Visual hierarchy: A well-designed website guides the eye while a clucky one only creates more confusions. Arrange elements strategically to create a clear visual hierarchy, directing users' attention to the most important information and calls to action.

Take a look at Notion’s landing page. What’s immediately apparent is clear CTAs and simple, valuable language to guide users. The interactive animations showcase product capabilities more effectively than text alone. On top of that, skeuomorphism and illustrative overviews enhance clarity.

  1. Leverage SEO tools

Conversions are fantastic, but they can't happen if no one visits your website. A website builder like Webflow empowers you to take control of your website's SEO with a suite of powerful tools:

  • Fine-tune your website's titles and descriptions, the snippets that appear in search results. Craft compelling descriptions that entice clicks and tell search engines exactly what your site offers.
  • Creates a sitemap for search engines to easily crawl and index your website, ensuring every page gets seen.
  • Use Google Search Console  for valuable insights into your website's search performance, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your content for better ranking.
Sign Up

When more qualified traffic lands on your website, they are more likely to explore your offerings and convert into paying customers. 

  1. Add short, sweet, and conversion-focused copy

Forget long-winded explanations. Websites thrive on clarity and action. Tell visitors exactly what you offer and how it will benefit them.  

A confused visitor is a lost conversion.  Focus on what your audience truly desires and communicate it with crystal-clear copy.  

conversion-focused copy

Away Travel’s clear, concise and effective copy is a case in point.

  1. Responsive design is the way to go

Over 80% of web browsing happens on mobile devices

Imagine missing out on that massive audience because your website isn't mobile-friendly.

Responsive design ensures your website seamlessly adapts to any screen size, from desktops to tablets to smartphones. This creates a flawless user experience that keeps visitors engaged no matter how they choose to browse.

Another tip: Don't just assume it works–test your website's responsiveness across different devices. Website builders like Webflow's testing tools make this easy.

  1. Create a winning USP

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) makes it easy for your product or service to stand out in a crowded marketplace. It's the answer to the customer's question: "Why should I buy from you?"

Here are some characteristics of a strong USP:

  • Distinct and differentiating: Your USP should make you stand out from the pack. It should define what makes your products or services special.
  • Valuable to the customer: Focus on what truly matters to your target audience. Does your USP address a specific pain point or offer a unique benefit they can't find elsewhere?
  • Memorable and clear: Your USP should be memorable enough for customers to instantly associate it with your brand.

Examples of winning USPs:

  • Lowest prices guaranteed: A price-conscious customer will find this USP irresistible.
  • 100% original products: This USP will appeal to those who value authenticity and exclusivity.
  • Cycling gear that lasts: This USP speaks directly to cyclists who prioritize quality and durability.
winning USP

Take a look at TOMS’s page. The CTA is extremely clear and concise. Visitors understand their stance on mental health awareness and sustainability right at the onset. 

Remember, when you define a strong USP, you'll attract the right customers. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices

Now that you know how important CRO is and how to optimize your conversion rate, let’s look at some best practices to ensure your website conversion rate stays optimal. 

  1. Start factoring in micro conversions

Believe it or not, every little step in your conversion funnel has a big role in your business’ success. Conversions are not binary blacks and whites; they have a whole gamut, with the most impactful actions for your bottom line on the right and smaller wins on the left. These smaller wins, like sign-ups from a button click or click-through rates (CTR), are called micro conversions.

Since micro conversions happen more frequently, they are valuable metrics to track, especially for websites with less overall traffic. When you start taking into account these smaller successes, you gather a pile of data for future A/B testing and funnel optimization – all the more reason to pay attention to these stepping stones on the path to conversions.

  1. Define your goals clearly

A study revealed that setting goals makes you 42% more likely to crush them. This applies directly to CRO. Before diving headfirst into site tweaks, take a step back and define what success looks like for you.  

And forget generic "get more traffic" goals. Aim to increase traffic by X% within Y timeframe using strategy Z. The SMART system should be your go-to. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.   

  • Specific: Let go of the vague "improve user experience" mantra and aim for something more specific like "reduce cart abandonment by 10% within 6 months." 
  • Measurable: Can you track progress? If not, it's not a SMART goal. Identify clear metrics to measure success. 
  • Achievable: Be ambitious, but realistic. A 500% traffic increase in a month might be a stretch. 
  • Relevant: Your goals should align with your overall business objectives.  
  • Time-Bound: Set deadlines to stay on track. A year-long goal feels less urgent than a quarterly one. 

Think of the bigger picture but break it down. What milestones do you need to hit in the next six months or one year?  By creating clear, actionable goals, you'll transform your roadmap for CRO success into a reality.

  1. Use friction to your advantage (and eliminate it when required)

It is a myth that reducing friction implies increasing your conversion rate. While a smooth user experience is crucial, strategic friction can actually boost conversions and quality leads.  

Think about landing pages. They inherently create friction – text, images, and scrolling, all add "work" for users before converting.  Now imagine the extreme: a blank page with just a form. Not exactly conversion-worthy, right?

The key is understanding the "when" and "how" of friction.  

Exit-intent pop-ups, for instance, can snag visitors on the verge of bouncing. Live chat might disrupt the flow, but it can also be a lifesaver for confused users.  Similarly, account creation adds a hurdle, but allows for targeted follow-up emails. Webflow’s editor allows you to add and customize all of these elements to your webpages.

A VWO case study showed a massive 60% conversion increase by adding a page and requiring more clicks. 

So, instead of a friction-free experience, learn to wield friction to your benefit. It's a powerful tool for not just boosting conversions, but also improving their quality–a hidden gem in many CRO strategies. 

  1. Employ both A/B testing and multivariate testing in your CRO strategy

Don't be a one-trick pony in your conversion rate optimization strategy. Implement both A/B and multivariate testing for making data-driven decisions. They tackle different challenges, but when used together, they unlock a new level of website optimization.

A/B testing can be your go-to for comparing specific elements like CTAs, headlines, or images.  Over 77% of businesses use it for a reason–it delivers clear, actionable insights on single-page tweaks.

Multivariate testing is typically more suited for seeing how variations across many different page sections or elements perform when combined. This form of testing points out the elements that have the highest impact on customer engagement, and it is invaluable in optimizing one-time page elements.
When you combine both A/B and multivariate testing, you get a deeper understanding of what drives conversions. A/B testing isolates the impact of individual elements, while multivariate testing shows you the magic that happens when they work together.  

  1. Understand your visitors better

You simply cannot win someone over without knowing their interests. That's also the struggle of conversion rate optimization without visitor insights. To present a delightful experience and boost conversions, you need to get to know your audience on a deeper level.

You need to step into the shoes of your site visitors. Here’s how:

  • Find out your visitors' age group, location, interests and how they navigate your site.  Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable demographic data, heatmaps, and session recordings which reveal browsing patterns and pain points.
  • Use exit-intent surveys to understand why visitors leave. Are they confused about pricing? Unconvinced by your value proposition? These insights expose major leaks in your funnel. 
  • For your engaged visitors, consider Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to gauge their loyalty and identify areas for improvement.

When you understand your visitors' needs and frustrations, you also can fix issues sabotaging your conversions.  It's like filling the holes in your bucket–the more you know, the less you lose. Webflow’s site analytics can take care of customer insight generation for you.

How Webflow Facilitates CRO?

Website builders have become increasingly popular in recent years, making it easier than ever for anyone to create a professional-looking website. Here's why they're such a game changer:

  • No-code Design Freedom: Webflow ditches coding for a visual, drag-and-drop interface. Anyone, even non-designers, can make changes and test new website elements – perfect for rapid CRO experimentation. See an underperforming CTA? Revamp its color and test a new version in minutes.  

Webflow CRO
  • Pixel-Perfect Customization: Webflow lets you control every element, from forms and buttons to CTAs. You can create high-converting CTAs with A/B testing–experiment with colors, sizes, and animations and discover what drives clicks. Plus, Webflow makes optimizing for mobile a breeze.
Webflow Customizations
  • Data-Driven Analytics:   Webflow integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics for a detailed look at user behavior insights. Analyze metrics like bounce rate and session duration to pinpoint conversion roadblocks. This data becomes your roadmap for optimization, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven adjustments to content, design, and user flow.  
Webflow SEO Settings

Webflow also reduces development time with pre-built conversion rate optimization website templates. These HTML5 templates are highly customizable and can be easily adapted to any brand. 

Boost Your Website CRO with Amply

Conversion rate optimization is the key to turning website visitors into paying customers. It involves everything from testing layouts (A/B testing) to understanding user behavior (analytics). However, mastering CRO requires the right tools.

Amply is a team of expert Webflow website developers and brand builders, who tackle the tough stuff for you, so you don’t have to. We help boost your website CRO by carefully reviewing what works best for your brand and what does not. 

Leveraging the power of storytelling, we create a strong online presence for you that compels visitors to convert and boost your ROI. Book a discovery call with us to learn more!

About The Author

Luke Lewis
Luke Lewis, co-founder at Amply, has 15+ years of experience supporting and leading B2B brands like Adobe, Domo, Kizik, and many others to punch above their weight with killer B2B website design, Webflow development, and branding.
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Cade Biegel

Cade Biegel

Co-founder @ Amply
Luke Lewis

Luke Lewis

Co-founder @ Amply